Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Nama : Roni Suyono
NIM    : 1620201104
Prodi  : Teknik Elektro

            Hello guys my name is Roni Suyono. You can call me Roni. I work at PT. PLN PERSERO. I work as electro engineer and now I’m repairing a contactor which can’t turn on. I usually work in the villages. My job is rather dangerous because my job always meet the electric current. Sometimes my job can hurt me because I don’t repair correctly. If you want to be like me work as electro engineer , you must becarefull because if you miss something you can hurt yourself. I know my is really dangerous. But my salary is high enough. I can buy a Ferrari with my three months my salary. I love my job very much. Work at PT PLN is my dream, and now my dream comes true. Well I think that is enough for now. If you want to work as electro engineer like me , prepare yourself  because work as elecro engineer is not easy. The lesson is difficult enough. I’m sorry I talk too much. Thank’s for your attention. Hope you enjoyed my story and goodbye.

  New Vocabularies

  1. Air conditioner                = alat pendingin (AC)
  2. Alternating current         = arus bolak-balik
  3. Be wired                         = dilengkapi dengan instalasi kawat listrik
  4. Coil of wire                     = lilitan kawat, kumparan
  5. Commutator                    = pembalik arah
  6. Device                            = alat
  7. Domestic power supplies = penyediaan tenaga di rumah
  8. Electric appliances          = alat-alat rumah tangga yang dijalankan dengan listrik
  9. Electric bulb                  = bola lampu listrik
  10. Electric circuit               = lingkaran listrik
  11. Electric fan                     = kipas angin listrik
  12. Electric iron                    = setrika listrik
  13. Electric meter                = meteran listrik
  14. Electric motor                 = elektromotor
  15. Electric razor                 = alat cukur listrik
  16. Electric stove                 = kompor listrik
  17. Electric water pump        = pompa air listrik
  18. Extension cord                = kabel penyambung
  19. Fuse box                         = kotak tempat sekering
  20. Fuse                               = sekering
  21. Generate                        = membangkitkan
  22. Hair dryer                      = pengering rambut
  23. Induce                            = menimbulkan
  24. Plug in                            = memasukkan steker
  25. Plug                                = steker
  26. Power Station                 = pusat pembangkit tenaga listrik
  27. Refrigerator                   = lemari es
  28. Resistance                      = hambatan
  29. Reverse                          = membalikkan
  30. Short circuit                   = arus pendek /konsleting
  31. Switch on / off               = menyalakan / memadamkan
  32. Switch                            = sakelar, tombol
  33. Television                       = televisi
  34. The fuse has blown          = sekeringnya putus
  35. Transformer                   = trafo, alat untuk menurunkan / menaikkan tegangan
  36. Tube lamp                       = lampu TL (lampu neon)
  37. Vacuum cleaner                = penyedot debu
  38. Voltages                          = voltase / tegangan
  39. Washing machine             = mesin cuci
  40. Swarthy                            = Hitam
  41. Pendulum                         = Bandul

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